What do all things have in common?

Universal Constants, Variations, and Identities #10 All holons have at least six fundamental capacities. (Revised)

#10 All holons have at least six fundamental capacities. (Revised)

#10All Holons have at least four fundamental capacities. (Potential)
*** REVISION ***
#10All Holons have at least six fundamental capacities. (Potential)

Horizontal (Span):
1) Agency (Maintaining wholeness/identity) Pull to wholeness
2) Communion (Maintaining partness/relationship) Pull to partness

Vertical (Depth):
3) Transcendence (Becoming more wholeness) Pull upwards
4) Dissolution (Breaking down into constituent parts) Pull downwards

Lateral (Transverse – Direction of Change): *** NEW ***
5) InteriorityChange towards or within its interior (enfolding/recursion)
6) ExteriorityChange towards or without its exterior (unfolding/emergence)

(see #6 for definition of holon)

See http://mathesis-universalis.com for more information.

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