What do all things have in common?

Spreading It Thick! Hopelessness Propaganda Placement That Doesn’t Even Smell Good! (BS)

Humans Need Not Apply
Helplessness Propaganda Placement Video

This propaganda piece is easy to decode. Let’s play like we’re redundant.

We will never make humans redundant. Even if those who run and control our society want it that way! Creativity cannot be replaced and, although this video mentions it, it’s only ‘intelligence’ masking it.

I’m thinking of the film WALL-E. The humans were redundant and left the Earth on some pointless trip and left intelligent robots on the Earth to clean up their garbage.

The analogy of the horse fails (among other analogies in the film) when one realizes that horses were only assigned the purposes that we imagined for them. (Not to mention for ourselves!)

The film is social engineering propaganda designed to drive hopelessness into the viewer. It’s more of this arrogant in your face ‘Get used to it, like it or not’ weaponized culture (‘bitch culture’) they sell to us.

Just because our corporations are leading us to a place where automation takes our jobs away they have not and cannot take our usefulness in creativity away. They are describing more about their failure than their victory. They describe a culture and social fabric that they created, not WE!

The whole of humanity, and all of its potential (which they have failed to find access to) is not even being considered in this artificial world they are creating!

There are many other subtle mind manipulations going on in this piece, but I’d like to leave that open for future discussion.

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